FAQ: What is my case worth?
What Is My Car Accident Case Worth? This is the magical question, right? I am probably asked this question no less than twenty times a week. Its a fair question, but sadly does not have a clear answer. Your case is worth as much as I can get for it. On last count our algorithm
Read MoreFAQ: Do I have a personal injury case?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sK9A8ierXzs 1. Are you at fault?2. is there insurance on the other side (or in the alternative, do you have Uninsured Motorist Coverage with your own insurance)?3. And most importantly, are you Injured? If you have all three elements, you have a good case and you should seek legal counsel. If you are unclear as
Read MoreFAQ: Can you sue someone for causing a car accident?
You can always sue someone over a car accident, the real question is, should you? An experienced personal injury attorney can advise you on the best options available for your specific case, so that you can make the most informed decision possible.
Read MoreEspañol FAQ: ¿Cómo elijo un abogado de lesiones personales?
Debe asegurarse de que el abogado que elija tenga el conocimiento y la experiencia para manejar su caso y también sea una personalidad con la que desee tratar durante la duración de su caso. La experiencia, las revisiones y una conversación individual con el abogado que maneja su caso deben tenerse en cuenta al tomar
Read MoreFAQ: Is Texas a Comparative Negligence State?
Is Texas a Comparative Negligence State? In personal injury cases, recovering compensation typically involves proving that the other party was negligent and that their negligence directly led to the accident (causation). Negligence refers to a failure to exercise the duty of care to prevent harm to others. If proven, the negligent party is at fault
Read MoreFAQ: Is there a statute of limitations on a wrongful death suit?
You must file a suit for wrongful death no later than two years after the death of the injured person. There are some more complicated exceptions to this rule, such as if you only reasonably discovered the negligence after the death, you may be able to begin the two year statute on the discovery of
Read MoreFAQ: Special Damages
What are “special damages” in a personal injury case? Special Damages are one of two forms of compensatory damages in Texas personal injury cases. Special Damages compensate for out-of-pocket losses such as: Past and future medical expenses Loss of income, but current and future Repair or replacement of property Costs the plaintiff incurred attempting to
Read MoreFAQ: Who decides where my car is repaired?
It is your decision where your vehicle is repaired. The estimate from the repair shop may be different than the estimate from the insurance company. This may be a result of the repair shop finding additional damage once they remove body panels. We like to let the insurance company work that out with the body
Read MoreEspañol FAQ: ¿Qué es la Justa Compensación?
La compensación justa es el valor justo de mercado que recibe la parte lesionada en compensación por su lesión. El cálculo de la Justa Compensación es específico para cada caso, pero generalmente incluye: Costos médicos y daños a la propiedad Gastos médicos futuros y pérdida de ingresos Angustia emocional por la lesión. Daños no económicos
Read MoreEspañol FAQ: ¿Cómo reclamo la disminución del valor de mi automóvil después de un accidente?
Si su vehículo se dañó en una colisión causada por otro conductor y cree que ha perdido valor de mercado debido a la colisión, puede presentar un reclamo de valor disminuido a la compañía de seguros responsable. Si se pagará o no es una historia diferente.
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